

Workground is a class representing a workspace for audio editing. This class supports complex audio editing tasks, including a timeline, playhead, time indicator, and snapping functionality.

Related: Node


name: string

The name of the workspace. The default value is 'Workground'.

timeline: Timeline

The timeline of the workspace.

playhead: Playhead

The playhead indicating the current playback position.

timeIndicator: TimeIndicator

The time indicator displaying the current time.

snapping: Snapping

A class providing snapping functionality.

scroll: { x: number, y: number }

The current scroll position of the workspace.


    canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
    style: EditorStyleType,
    data: EditorDataType[],
    audioPlayer: AudioPlayer,
    scroll?: { x: number, y: number }

canvas: HTMLCanvasElement

The HTML canvas element used to render the workspace.

style: EditorStyleType

The style settings for the workspace.

data: EditorDataType[]

The initial data to be used in the workspace.

audioPlayer: AudioPlayer

The audio player managing audio playback.

scroll: { x: number, y: number } (optional)

The initial scroll position of the workspace.


setScrollX (x)

Sets the x scroll position of the workspace.

xnumberThe new x scroll position.

addTrackGroup (data)

Adds a track group.

dataTrackDataType[]The track data to add.
  • Return: TrackGroup

addTrack (parent, data)

Adds a track to the given parent track group.

parentTrackGroupThe parent group to add the track to.
dataSongDataType[]The song data to add.
  • Return: Track

addWave (parent, data)

Adds a waveform to the given track.

parentTrackThe parent track to add the waveform to.
dataSongDataTypeThe song data to add.
  • Return: Wave

isPlaying ()

Checks if the current track is playing.

  • Return: boolean

play ()

Plays the current track.

pause ()

Pauses the current track.

stop ()

Stops the playback of the current track.

getCurrentTime ()

Returns the current time.

  • Return: number

Usage Example

const editor = new Editor(canvas, editorData, editorStyle);

const workground = new Workground(canvas, editorStyle, editorData, audioPlayer);