is a class that represents the current playback position in the audio editing timeline. It visually indicates where the playback is occurring and allows for interaction with the timeline.
Related: Node
name: string
The name of the Playhead. The default value is 'Playhead'
x: number
The x-coordinate of the Playhead on the timeline.
style: EditorStyleType
Contains the style settings for the Playhead.
_isPlaying: boolean
Indicates whether the Playhead is currently playing.
constructor(style: EditorStyleType, _dT: number = 0)
style: EditorStyleType
The style settings for the Playhead.
_dT: number
The delta time for the Playhead's movement.
update (dT)
Updates the position of the Playhead based on the delta time.
Name | Type | Description |
dT | number | Delta time |
draw (ctx)
Draws the Playhead on the canvas.
Name | Type | Description |
ctx | CanvasRenderingContext2D | The rendering context for the drawing surface |
isPlaying ()
Returns the current playing state of the Playhead.
- Return:
play ()
Sets the Playhead to the playing state.
pause ()
Sets the Playhead to the paused state.
stop ()
Stops the Playhead and resets its position to the start.
getCurrentTime ()
Returns the current time of the Playhead in relation to the timeline.
- Return: